Roo Tilt Bins & Accessories

Wall Mounting Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 425mm(W) x 1570mm(H) Consists of :3 Nos of RTB HA 335 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 335 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 1570 (Vertical Frame including 16 Bolts of size M6 x 16)Made from CRCA Steel du..
Wall Mounting Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 425mm(W) x 1850mm(H) Consists of :3 Nos of RTB HA 335 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 335 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 1850 (Vertical Frame including 16 Bolts of size M6 x 16)Made from C..
Wall Mounting Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 636mm(W) x 865mm(H) Consists of :2 Nos of RTB HA 546 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 546 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 865 (Vertical Frame including 12 Bolts of size M6 x 16)Made from CRCA Steel duly powder coat..
Wall Mounting Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 636mm(W) x 1160mm(H) Consists of :2 Nos of RTB HA 546 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 546 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 1160 (Vertical Frame including 12 Bolts of size M6 x 16)Made from CRCA Steel duly powder co..
Wall Mounting Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 636mm(W) x 1570mm(H) Consists of :3 Nos of RTB HA 546 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 546 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 1570 (Vertical Frame including 16 Bolts of size M6 x 16)Made from CRCA Steel duly powder co..
Wall Mounting Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 636mm(W) x 1850mm(H) Consists of :3 Nos of RTB HA 546 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 546 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 1850 (Vertical Frame including 16 Bolts of size M6 x 16)Made from C..
Single Sided Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 425mm(W) x 965mm(H) x 300mm(D) Consists of :Single Sided Units should be placed in front of a Wall (Wall touch) for better stability2 Nos of RTB HA 335 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 335 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 N..
Single Sided Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 425mm(W) x 1260mm(H) x 300mm(D) Consists of :Single Sided Units should be placed in front of a Wall (Wall touch) for better stability2 Nos of RTB HA 335 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 335 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 No..
Single Sided Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 425mm(W) x 1670mm(H) x 300mm(D) Consists of :
Single Sided Units should be placed in front of a Wall (Wall touch) for better stability
3 Nos of RTB HA 335 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 335 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 1570 (Vertica..
Single Sided Stand for Roo Tilt BinsSize : 425mm(W) x 1950mm(H) x 300mm(D) Consists of :
Single Sided Units should be placed in front of a Wall (Wall touch) for better stability3 Nos of RTB HA 335 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 335 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB ..
Single Sided Stand for Roo Tilt Bins640mm(W) x 965mm(H) x 300mm(D) Consists of :
Single Sided Units should be placed in front of a Wall (Wall touch) for better stability.2 Nos of RTB HA 546 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 546 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 865 ..
Single Sided Stand for Roo Tilt Bins640mm(W) x 1260mm(H) x 300mm(D) Consists of :
Single Sided Units should be placed in front of a Wall (Wall touch) for better stability.2 Nos of RTB HA 546 (Horizontal Arm)1 No of RTB HA BT 546 (Horizontal Arm - Bottom)1 Set (2 Nos) of RTB VF 116..